Obviously, we understand that the movie industry is there to entertain and to make money, and is not an instrument of public health advice.
"But we feel it is surprising that there's no attempt to reflect safe sex practices or the consequences of drug use."
He added: "With globalisation and the growth of home-based media technologies, movies are more accessible to a wider audience and there is convincing evidencethat the entertainment media influences behaviour."
“Most teenagers tend to interpret their favorite songs as being ab
out love, friendship, growing up, life’s struggles, having fun, cars, religion, and other topics that relate to teen life.” The Academy adds “During the past four decades, rock music lyrics have become increasingly explicit-particularly with reference to sex, drugs, and violence.(1219)” Teens today are listening to these songs and accepting them as “okay”. The Academy believes that “Music is important to teenagers’ identity and helps them define important social and sub cultural boundaries.” This is due to the impact music has on the environment that helps teens develop their self worth.
Last week, its drug control agency pointed out that this is one of the worst countries in Europe for cocaine abuse and warned that "celebrity drug offenders can profoundly influence public attitudes".
Read more:
A man who was allegedly elbowed in the head by Amy Winehouse at Glastonbury Festival has handed his digital camera footage of the incident to the BBC.
“We had craaaazy parties, we had DJs, bands, an ice luge, a fire twirler. One of my roommates burned off her bangs on the stove trying to light a cigarette. I mean, drinking is one thing — overdrinking is another. And drugs are something that I do not tolerate at all,” Leighton said.” You’d be surprised how many people do it. If you go out and you’re living the nightlife scene, that’s what people do.”
9. Have you ever used drugs to enhance your sexual experience?
WAYNE: Umm, “some say the ex makes the sex spectacular….” That’s my answer to that. When a woman says, “Can’t we get something?” or “Gimme something to drink?” I say, “I don’t want you to be high because tomorrow you’re not gonna know that it felt that great. You kinda negated some of that by being intoxicated.” So I always tell the woman I am the ultimate high. I am the drug.
10. Have you ever recorded a song while having sex?
WAYNE: I’ve gotten head before while I was doing it, but now that I can sing, I could really pull one off now. It was on a mix-tape or something and it was called “Your Baby Blue.” My concentration was terrible. I never took so long on a song, boy! It was a lot of takes. Some of them was on purpose of course—I was messing up on purpose so she could stay down more!\
Magzines and Newspapers:
Heat; 31 DECEMBER 2010-7 JANUARY 2011: LETS
- This articles contains various shots of celebrities as they party hard. with a description including, Number 10; christina Aguilera- Making up for lost time, Xtina seperated from husband Jordan Bratman in the summer and immediately embarked upon a series of epic booze-athons that even Keith Richards might have called "abit much"
Star style: find it! No more fretting- we hunt down your fave celeb outfits to save you the trouble of searching, Page 66-67
This shows that Heat magazine know what audiences want- and that is to look like a celebrity, to know about celebrities and find out the latest gossip everyone is talking about.
FHM in general:

FHM is an international monthly men's lifestyle magazine.
Where FHM give men what they want in a magazine- women, tips- advice, interviews, photos of mainly women in sexy poses. etc.
The sun
Page 3 girls and sports pages are mainly for men while entertainment and health pages are for women, this is a stereotype that can not be broken as institutions think this is the only way in which it will sell and audiences think they want it as they are used to the process of getting what they are given without question.

Absolutely BRILLIANT!! Well done.
Exactly what you were asked to do.
To do:
- I can't read the blue
- The bottom image doesn't show!
- Finish the last links with the same structured comments as you started with.
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