Skins is a BAFTA-winning British teen drama that follows a group of teenagers in Bristol, South West England, through the two years of sixth form. The controversial plot line explores issues such asdysfunctional families, mental illness (including eating disorders), sexual orientation identity, substance abuse and death. The show was created by father and son television writers Bryan Elsley and Jamie Brittain for Company Pictures, and premiered on E4 on 25 January 2007.
The show is known for its casting of amateur actors and young writers. The cast are entirely replaced every two series, when the characters leave sixth form. Skins has broadcast four seasons, and has been commissioned up to a sixth. A Skins film is also in production, as well as an American adaptation by MTV.
Skins- Season 4 Episode 1 (OPENING)
- Starts with a black screen with diegetic sounds of someone sniffing something; which then leads to a crowd talking with music playing (Still black screen), sniffing is still taking place but an added crowd of talking and loud music is followed.
- Black screen fades into a girl named sophia holding a small plastic bag filled with white powder, Sophia quickly presses her index finger into the plastic bag and rubs the substance into her mouth- this is done twice.
- As this is happening it almost seems as if the girl is upset- so Sophia is taking drugs to relieve pain, with is what most drug takers do today.
- Sophia then walks towards the door with the camera following her from behind (camera man could be the audience), camera shows audience the back of her head and a couple having sex on the stairs; male looks at girl and his face completely changes from a happy man to a concerned man.
- Lighting is dimmed- which could connote the end of her life or something bad is about to happen.
- Camera is at high angle which makes the girl seem vulnerable or powerless.
- As she is going up the stairs, a girl is on the floor- looks drunk
- Connotations of drugged girl: Touching her head constantly, keeps looking up and down; paranoid, hair is scruffy and she is sweating.
- At this point you can see a bunch of neon lights and then Sophia opens a door and a sea of people is shown dancing in a club.
- she walks quickly through through a crowd while a bright light is on her; which could connote her being the centre of attention/ everyone should be looking at her or it could mean her dying and looking for the light.
- pushes past people- looks scared and confused.
- Mains characters are in the scene, audiences are familiar with them
- Girl then stops at stairs then walks up, suspicious; doesn't look at anyone
- Stops at the top of the stairs, camera moves forward to a bright light then down towards the people partying- this could mean that she has two choices, to die or camera is showing audiences the girls eyes (putting audience in her position). Audiences are on their feet, waiting to see what is going to happen. is she? isn't she?
- Camera is then behind her at a medium shot, girl is climbing the bannister,
camera then moves at low angle, camera is then at side view where we see her fall graciously towards a crowd.
- As a girl screams, a bunch of screams are followed.
- Edits appear on the screen after, of characters, lights, people partying (don't know what is going on?) and then the girl on the floor with blood dripping down her face; Close-up is used.
The opening of the scene is very dramatic and almost looks real. where it is obvious that the director has chosen a scene that often does happen in an enviournment like the one in this episode. they have used a lot of diegetic and non-diegetic sounds which also make the scenes look realistic and entertaining.
Critical reception
The first series received positive reviews, although some critics complained that the series depicts teenagers unrealistically and stereotypically. Others criticised the excessive promotion of the show (specifically in the UK) and having relatively mediocre writing in comparison to other similarly themed shows. Actor Nicholas Hoult defended the extreme storylines, saying they would not reflect "everyone's teenage life", adding "it is maybe heightened for entertainment but all of it is believable."
Series 4 premiered with 1.5 million viewers across E4 and E4+1, the highest rated episode since series 1
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