Thursday, 27 January 2011

Mest 4.

General Research:

Religious views on sex and drugs.

- The conventional theory views drug attitudes as primarily coming from people’s political ideology, level of religious commitment, and personality. The other theory, proposed by the researchers and driven by ideas from evolutionary psychology, holds that drug attitudes are really driven by people’s reproductive strategies.

- Bible on drugs: A drug is a chemical substance which alters the way in which a body functions, thereby affecting the person taking it physically, perceptually, behaviourally or emotionally; sometimes in a destructive or harmful manner. The purpose of using drugs medicinally is, as far as possible, to restore a person to full health, wholeness. As such the responsible and controlled use of medicinal drugs is acceptable.
( 2 Corinthians 7 verse 1 )

- Bible on drugs: We are not meant to have 'other gods / idols'. The things our lives revolve around become our 'gods'. For the addict, whatever the addiction, something has taken the place of God.
( Exodus 20 erse 3 - 4 , Romans 1 verse 25 )

- QUR’AN on drugs: O You who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones and (divination by) arrows are an abomination of Satan’s handiwork. Avoid (such abominations) that you may prosper. (5:90)

- Allah Ta’ala has described intoxicants amongst other things as being appalling, despicable and hateful acts of Satan and he has commanded us to abstain from them, Allah thereafter states in the next verse: -
Satan’s plan is to sow hatred and enmity amongst you with intoxicants and gambling, and to hamper you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. Will you not give up? (5:91)

- Throughout history, God put His stamp of approval on human sexuality and reproduction. To Abraham and later to Jacob (Israel) He basically said, "I am God and I want you to reproduce!"
I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins ( Genesis 35:11 ; see also Genesis 12:1,2,7 ).

- Saint Paul subscribed marriage as a solution to such excesses:
Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband ( 1 Corinthians 7:2 ).

- Marriage and sex are among the signs of God's power and blessings. The Qur'an says, "And among His signs is that He has created for you spouses from among yourselves so that you may live in tranquility with them; and He has created love and mercy between you. Verily, in that are signs for those who reflect."(30:21 )

From these few verses of the Qur'an, one can easily understand that according to Islam: (a) marriage is a sign of God's power and blessings; (b) marriage is a highly recommended act of virtue which should not be avoided because of poverty; (c) sexual urge is a creative command of God placed in human nature. After equating sex with Allah's creative command, there can be no room for equating it with guilt, sin or evil.

- The Qur'an clearly disapproves of killing other humans: “Take not life which Allah has made sacred” (6:151; see also 4:29 “If a man kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell, to abide therein (for ever)” (4:93). Allah (SWT) went even further, making unlawful killing of a single individual human being equal to mass murder of the whole of mankind: "Because of that, We ordained for the children of Israel that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation for murder or for spreading mischief on earth, it would be as if he killed all mankind. And who saved a life, it would be as if he saved all mankind." (Al-Maidah, 5:32)

Advert on these issues:

Children as young as eight are talking about being pressured for sex and taking drugs are the stars of a new government TV campaign.
"In less than four years I'll start going to parties where I'll be drinking alcohol," says one girl; another says how before she is 15 she will be drinking at a party and a boy will "pressure me for sex"; a boy says that he will soon be at his first gig, presumably drinking, where he will then be offered drugs by an older boy.
The TV and cinema campaign, from the Department for Children, Schools and Families, which you can see for the first time on, aims to drive home that young children are only a few years away from being in social situations where they will be exposed to underage drinking and its consequences.
"The sooner we talk to our kids about alcohol the less chance that drink will start making decisions for them," runs a voiceover at the end of the ad.
The campaign, which has been created by the ad agency Wieden & Kennedy London, includes two television ads and a cinema commercial. One of the TV ads will air in general programming to target families; the second carries a 9pm watershed restriction as it uses more hard-hitting language and descriptions of potential negative consequences around drinking.
The cinema campaign breaks on 1 February. Press ads will run in and around TV listings in women's weekly magazines. There will also be a radio campaign.
"Children as young as 13 are often already drinking at parties and facing some pretty grown up decisions," said Paul Jordan and Angus Macadam, creative directors at W&K. "This campaign is a reminder that good decision are harder to make when you have been drinking."
The campaign is designed to tie in with alcohol awareness advertising from the Home Office and the Department of Health.

Ian Monk: Sex and drugs give show the X Factor

So, in the end it wasn't the sex or the drugs that did for alleged hooker Chloe Heald's chances of progressing on the X Factor. It was the rock 'n' roll because, like thousands of contestants, she couldn't really sing.

Ian Monk

Sex and drugs merely fuelled the publicity for Chloe and the show. Claims that she had worked as a prostitute filled many X Factor-branded pages, as did the view that exposure on national TV would enhance the price of her non-musical services.
Photographs of her snorting cocaine published by a Sunday redtop were also avariciously followed up across the media. Did the show's canny publicists court and welcome the flood of publicity generated by the lifestyle choices of Chloe - who uses the 'working' and stage name of Mafia? Was it a triumphant publicity campaign or a failed damage limitation exercise? Chloe's subsequent appearance on the relatively genteel confines of This Morning to discuss her life certainly suggests that ITV makes few judgements on the personal lives of those it invites on to its sofas.
In a non-judgemental age, why should it? And yet questions remain. Recent advertising research shows the X Factor is right up there with The Sun as the most effective method of getting a product message to a mass audience.
Presumably all the brands that convey their message via Simon Cowell's leviathan of a show are happy with the juxtapositioning of their brands with the values of the show's raunchier contestants?
The tabloids that fawn over the X Factor tend to take a stern moral line on sex and drugs, which enables them to boost circulation off a celebrity scandal.
No matter that Team Beckham is stridently denying every aspect of every claim being made by the call girl who alleges a liaison with him. The media are using his denials and mega lawsuits to link his name to hers in banner headlines across all platforms.
X Factor Hooker Is A Junkie is a headline cast in tabloid heaven. Whether it is one that could potentially bite the hands of the show's publicists and those of its stakeholders remains to be seen.

Few young people nowadays wait until they’re 18 to drink. By the time they reach 15, more than eight out of 10 have already tried alcohol.
In minor cases this will cause the slurring, staggering and sickness associated with being drunk. But the consequences can be much more severe. Statistics show that around 5,000 teenagers are admitted to hospital every year for alcohol-related reasons.
Teenagers who get drunk run other risks, too:
• In a 2007 survey, one in five teenagers admitted to drink driving, while a third (32%) had been a passenger in a car with a driver who was drunk.
• Drinking alcohol can make teenagers forget all about safe sex. Statistics show that after drinking, 11% of young people engaged in unprotected sex in 2007. 11% again claimed to regret that sexual encounter.
• Alcohol plays a big part in antisocial behaviour, crime and violence. A Home Office survey found that one in five (18%) 12-13 year olds and over a quarter (28%) of 14-15 year olds caused damage while drinking, while one in 10 15-16 year olds said that drinking had led them to get in trouble with the police.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Mest 4: Task 2 & 3.


Book Research;

- Media Studies: AS & A2, Representation and regulation, Page 101 - Media Regulations: The Obscene Publications Act (1959, redrafted 1964); ensures that nothing obscene could be represented in the media. So, for example, the 9 p.m. 'watershed' remains important for broadcasters, not just in terms of content of programmes shown pre-watershed, but also in the representation that may be used.
The Sex discrimination act (1986); prevents the broadcast or publication of any material which could be offensive.
The broadcasting act (1990); states that ITC (Independent Television Commission) must ensure that programmes broadcast will not be offensive in any way.
Regulatory bodies: Advertising Standards Agency; is responsible for maintaining standards in adverts and addressing complaints from members of the public who find an advert offensive in some way (Beyonce's HEAT advert)
- EFFECTS THEORY: page 92; The mass audience is thus manipulated and indoctrinated by society and progressively less able to critisise it... In terms of media, we consume, therefore, we watch TV Programmes, not because we want to, but because we have been conditioned to watch them.

- David M. Barlow and Brett Mills, Reading Media Theory; Thinkers, approachers, contexts- Chapter 19 page 482, Feminist media theory; introduction to Feminist media theory.
in 2006 the high-street news-agent chain WHSmith decided that 'lads mags' should not be shelved with other lifestyle magazines as they previously had, but would instead in the top shelf... For those upset by this decision, it was evidence of the unnecessary encroadchment of feminism into everyday life, in which the supposed harmless appreciation of the female body is a bit of a laugh, and quite different from pornography.
Page 493: As a consequence of feminism questioning assumptions about gender norms, there has also recently been a growth in the analysis of masculinity, exploring the ways in which 'male-ness' is constructed and, often, presented as a social norm (Beynon 2002).

- The LOLITA effect by MG DURHAM, page 57; These cute, child-sized accoutrements of sex work are potent symbols that make the idea of childhood sex- sexy little girls- cultur
ally acceptable... this is happening in an environment in which child pornography is on the rise...

Page 130; children may be forced into prostitution and pornography to escape from extreme poverty or simply as a reflection of local sexual mores, but the media contributes to a cultural landscape in which the sexual objectification of girls is acceptable and even normal. realistic, strong and non-exploitative representations of girl's sexuality would be a progressive social step, but images of girls posed, styled, and framed as objects of the erotic adult gaze...

chapter 4, page 113

- Image and representation- key concepts in media studies (second edition); chapter 1, introduction to textual analysis- 'Seeing is believing'; of out five senses, it is sight that gives us the most detailed information. it is, for most people, more important than hearing, taste, smell or touch. The majority of us rely on it to such an extent that we neglect the other senses.
Chapter 4: Representation, page 155; any negative behavior by any member of the oppressed community is instantly generalized as typical... representations thus become allegorical... representations of dominant groups, on the other hand, are seen not as allegorical but as 'naturally' diverse... a corrupt White politician is not seen as an 'embarrassm
ent to race' ... yet each negative image of an underrepresented group becomes... sorely overcharged with allegorical meaning (Shohat and Stam: 183)

- The media book, by Boyd-Barrett, Van Den Bulck. Chapter 29 page 269, Gender and the media: the representation of women and femininity(ies); for a long while, studies that addressed issues relating to the representation of men and masculinity did so only when juxtaposing it with the representation of women and femininity.
Chapter 32 page 309; the view that the very focus on women viewers isproblematic since it
assumes that "women" exist as some objective, unified whole, rather than being afragmented and
polysemous category under constant construction by and through social and culturalpractises' (Mumford, 1998: 126). Moreover, "being a women can mean many different things, at different times and in different circumstances' (Ang, 1996:119).

Media magazine, December 2010: The change Issue; BARBARITY & THE BEAST- The BBFC in modern Britain, Page 67; where have all the interesting women gone? If the contemporary portrayal of womenkind were to be believed, contemporary female achievement would culminate in the ownership of expensive handbags, a vibrator, a job, a flat and a man- probably in that order. POWER 2009:1.
page 65: In a world ord
ered by sexual imbalance, pleasure in looking has been split between active/male and passive/female. Mulvey 1985:306.

Drugs across the spectrum, chapter 3; motivations for drug use. Mass media and drugs page 56; One study reported that alcohol appeared in more than 93% of movies and drugs appeared in 22% of movies Another study found that nearly half of G-rated animated films from 1937-2000 depicted characters using or abusing alcohol or tobacco.

introduction to social work and social welfare, Empowering people by Charles Zastrow. Chapter 8 page 250; In 1937 the director of the federal Bureau of Narcotics labeled marijuana "the assassin of youth. The mass media jumped on this campaign and began publishing stories stereotyping marijuana users as "crazed drugs fiends"

Viewer discretion advised, taking control of mass media influences by Jerry McCall.The Payne Fund Studies; public pressure on the movie industry to do something about the widespread concerns that were being voiced about the effect that movie depictions of sex and violence had on children.
In response to this pressure, William Short, the executive director of the Motion picture Research Council (a private educational group), invited a number of the most prominent scholars across various disciplines to design and carry out a series of studies into howmovies affect c

Web Research;

"At the beginning I was doing performance art in handmade leather and leopard bikinis talking about oral sex and Andy Warhol and heavy metal. My mom was like, 'You've lost your mind.' I was doing drugs; I was really out of control. But I never got so far
into it that I overdosed or anything."

Obviously, we understand that the movie industry is there to entertain and to make money, and is not an instrument of public health advice.

"But we feel it is surprising that there's no attempt to reflect safe sex practices or the consequences of drug use."

He added: "With globalisation and the growth of home-based media technologies, movies are more accessible to a wider audience and there is convincing evidencethat the entertainment media influences behaviour."

“Most teenagers tend to interpret their favorite songs as being ab

out love, friendship, growing up, life’s struggles, having fun, cars, religion, and other topics that relate to teen life.” The Academy adds “During the past four decades, rock music lyrics have become increasingly explicit-particularly with reference to sex, drugs, and violence.(1219)” Teens today are listening to these songs and accepting them as “okay”. The Academy believes that “Music is important to teenagers’ identity and helps them define important social and sub cultural boundaries.” This is due to the impact music has on the environment that helps teens develop their self worth.


Last week, its drug control agency pointed out that this is one of the worst countries in Europe for cocaine abuse and warned that "celebrity drug offenders can profoundly influence public attitudes".

Read more:

A man who was allegedly elbowed in the head by Amy Winehouse at Glastonbury Festival has handed his digital camera footage of the incident to the BBC.


In the video the teen singer is seen inhaling from the bong as it is passed around the group of friends. Her representatives reportedly claim that the contents are not what you may at first assume, but a perfectly legal high called Salvia. It has a hallucinogenic effect, causing th
e taker to ‘trip’.

And she’s also leaving her former party life behind

“We had craaaazy parties, we had DJs, bands, an ice luge, a fire twirler. One of my roommates burned off her bangs on the stove trying to light a cigarette. I mean, drinking is one thing — overdrinking is another. And drugs are something that I do not tolerate at all,” Leighton said.” You’d be surprised how many people do it. If you go out and you’re living the nightlife scene, that’s what people do.”

9. Have you ever used drugs to enhance your sexual experience?
WAYNE: Umm, “some say the ex makes the sex spectacular….” That’s my answer to that. When a woman says, “Can’t we get something?” or “Gimme something to drink?” I say, “I don’t want you to be high because tomorrow you’re not gonna know that it felt that great. You kinda negated some of that by being intoxicated.” So I always tell the woman I am the ultimate high. I am the drug.

10. Have you ever recorded a song while having sex?
WAYNE: I’ve gotten head before while I was doing it, but now that I can sing, I could really pull one off now. It was on a mix-tape or something and it was called “Your Baby Blue.” My concentration was terrible. I never took so long on a song, boy! It was a lot of takes. Some of them was on purpose of course—I was messing up on purpose so she could stay down more!\

Magzines and Newspapers:

Heat; 31 DECEMBER 2010-7 JANUARY 2011: LETS


- This articles contains various shots of celebrities as they party hard. with a description including, Number 10; christina Aguilera- Making up for lost time, Xtina seperated from husband Jordan Bratman in the summer and immediately embarked upon a series of epic booze-athons that even Keith Richards might have called "abit much"

Star style: find it! No more fretting- we hunt down your fave celeb outfits to save you the trouble of searching, Page 66-67

This shows that Heat magazine know what audiences want- and that is to look like a celebrity, to know about celebrities and find out the latest gossip everyone is talking about.

FHM in general:

FHM is an international monthly men's lifestyle magazine.

Where FHM give men what they want in a magazine- women, tips- advice, interviews, photos of mainly women in sexy poses. etc.

The sun

Page 3 girls and sports pages are mainly for men while entertainment and health pages are for women, this is a stereotype that can not be broken as institutions think this is the only way in which it will sell and audiences think they want it as they are used to the process of getting what they are given without question.