Friday, 22 October 2010

Media conference Reflection

Professor David Buckingham:

Chewing gum for the brain: Why do people talk such rubbish about Media Studies?
Why Media Studies is worth studying.

As a whole i thought Professor David was the person i was most engaged too, because of how he told his point- you could instantly tell that he enjoyed it and believed in what he was talking about; while making a few jokes on the way. which is how you are most likely to have us (the audience) in tune with the issues. Professor David Buckingham, talked about the advantages of studying media and why he thought it media studies is a good subject to learn. He gave us some facts on the media as well, such as newspaper article references, including, " worthless qualifications give false hope to state pupils says harrow head" The Guardian- and obviously he disagreed. Finally he talked about 'The media protect young people"- why people want to take drugs, have sex and take alcohol, because the media glamorizes it.

-"Media is part of our everyday life."-

Dr Julian McDougall:

Online media, Cleggmania, and the Cowell Factor.
How do online media and convergence impact on the ways audiences and producers use and create media?

Dr.Julian often gave the audience theories and quotes in his speech. which included:

Theory---> Everybody has options

Tony Ben: "People in power are accountable."

"Theres an increasingly interplay between TV, Games, Online and Films.

He also Gave us a variety of books to read. which include:

- David Gauntlett

- Sonia Livingston- children use of internet

Aneette Hill: Reality

Henry Jenkins

Graeme Turner: ordinary people in the media

David Buckingham: Video Cultures.

He gave us advice:

- Read all different ideas

- Pick your examples

- Apply reading to examples

- weigh up the debate

- Develop an informed, acaedemic view.

Pete Fraser:
Perfecting your production work.How to get the most out of your practical projects.

Keywords: Research and planning

Blooging and evidence

Ideas and feedback

logistics, equipment and production

Research: Really look at real examples
Keep evidence of all your research
research every angle
conventions, audiences, institutions

Planning: Plan for all eventualities- what could possibly go wrong?
Record all your planning- visuals
show the process of your journey

Blogging: Allows you to link to examples, ideas and inspiration

Evidence: Storyboards, animatic

Ideas: Keep ideas simple
Realistic plans
Try '25' word pitch or the lift pitch

Get feedback: At all stages from peers, teachers and others
keep record

Logistics: People, places, props costumes
Get it done early- may need to do it again
rehearse and prepare
share contact-details for all involved.

Professor Annette Hill:
Paranormal Media: audiences, spirits and magic in popular cultureSupernatural media, audiences, and key concepts at A level.
Paranormal media is normal in todays society.
Witch craft is coming back- popular topic today--- "You'll see"
Poeples belief and values can be understood in the media industries and contents.
The MediaMag Team:

Making the Most of MediaMag in your studies.
10 things media students need to know
Collaborations: share ideas, research, work in progress
Diversity: Take risks
Be selective
History of pic, context and arguements
Make connextions: between and across media
With the world
VIA weblinks
Get active: Go beyond the obvious
Build writing skills.