Friday, 1 April 2011

Evaluation Questions

1: Is your production a reflection of the issues or a solution to the issues discussed in your Critical investigation.

I have decided to base my production on trying to solve the issue; my issue discusses the media obsession with sex and drugs, where my website shows how the media can be more appropriate but entertaining to masses. I have done this by using the right images, context and layout- for example within my context it has headlines including, "Top Celibates", I have specifically done this because in today's society celebrities are role models to the audience, where they want to be like them, so in order to be like them they must almost be a reflection of their actions, like a mirror; copying every move. Another example are stories which include, "Yes, you are looking at the new face of 'Clean Teen' or on the entertainment page, there is an interview which covers a story about a women who was a drug addict and has transformed her life for the better, so I have given a brief summary of her life and then questions including, “So, what do you have to say about your past?” and “Why did you decide to be so open and honest?”- Conventionally, it is common to have answers underneath the questions. Finally, I have made up stories depending on the images, so for example, the first story on the 'Gossip' page includes a girl who looks puzzled, so I decided to name the story, “Destina Gomez still wearing promise ring” where the promise ring is a symbol which stars wear to indicate that they are ‘virgins’. My website is a celebrity based website which gives insight on how the media could give true and not sex/drugs/violence related interpretations of celebrities and the public.

2: On a scale of 1 – 5 (5 being the best) to what extent does your production demonstrate autonomous, secure and confident use of the chosen technology, 
(With explicit examples – discuss how) 

Looking at my production, I would give it a 4, this is mainly due to the fact that I produced three mock-ups, which then lead me to choosing one and sticking to that idea- This shows the level of confidence and security I had with the challenge of producing a four page website, that is a solution to my topic. As I chose to use the same system as AS- iWeb, it lead me to work harder and show how much my work has changed, I used more experimental key features including colours, boxes, images and context, where looking at my AS and A2 work, you could tell that I have used the time right. However, if I were to push myself even more I would have used more techniques such as moving images or a short video. This would have shown a more complex approach to make my production achieve a higher level.

3: On a scale of 1 – 5 (5 being the best) – to what extent does your production engage with institutional and genre codes and conventions and show aesthetic credibility. 
(With explicit examples – discuss how) 

Looking at my production, I would have to say 4 to engaging with institutional and genre codes and conventions and shows aesthetic credibility, this is mainly because of how I’ve laid out my page as it includes a lot of boxes with different concepts, for example in 'The Launch' page, it has a big box and little boxes underneath, I have specifically done this because when I looked at websites, i found out that they all use a big box for exclusive news and little boxes for other stories- I have used this approach on all pages. Another example of use of boxes is for adverts and the sponsor, where I have put at least one advert in every page as when I researched websites, it was conventionally to do so- an example of a advert is a beauty product called, "Beauty Division", another example is Durex, which is also my sponsor, as it links to solving my issue as it is advertising safe sex.

Use of imagery is a key feature that must be used in every celebrity based website as audiences usually look at images before actually reading the context, so I made all the images larger then anything else and the text on top where it should be. Another way of using images on my website, is for the interview- where the image is big to show how exclusive it is; also on the first page, where under the title 'Top Celibates' there are six images located in that area, where names aren't visible because I would like to think audiences already know who they are. Finally, images are used for social networking sites, as there is an independent box for twitter, where I made the logo myself, there is a box to show who the comment is by and text next to it to show what audiences think of the show and updates.

Another conventional element that I have used is the use of footer, navigation menu and page numbers. Starting with the navigation menu, I decided to make it myself, where I started to make the page names, then making each page have a a separate hyperlink as if the whole menu was a link, I then added white stars in between the separate links; the text is red and when you click on it goes white. The pages itself is conventional for a celebrity based website, where it also has to link to the name of the website, 'Fashion Limited'- where i have specifically chosen page names such as 'the launch' and 'trending', I have also used conventional celebrity related website names including 'Gossip' and 'Entertainment'. Every website should have a footer at the bottom or sometimes the top of the page, in my case, I have chosen to put it on the bottom of the page with the page numbers on top of it, this is a constant thing on my website, as it is used on every page.

Also, I have chosen to use social networking logos including twitter, facebook and twitter as I feel as though these are the most successful today. I decided to have a box that is specifically for twitter, as twitter has become the most popular social networking site, which I feel all websites should include because it allows audiences to feel involved and connected. The logo is another conventional feature as most celebrity based websites have a big logo at the top of the page.

4: On a scale of 1 – 5 (5 being the best) – to what extent does your production reflect your knowledge and understanding of the chosen area? 
(With explicit examples – discuss how) 

Again i would give my production a 4, this is mainly because i feel as if i have established what my production is about, as my context relates to my issue, an example is on the 'Entertainment page' there is a box on the right, where the title is, "Celebs on sex, drugs and violence" and inside the box there are quotes by celebrities, for example, Lil Wayne says, "Safe sex is good sex...", this is a way of understanding the chosen area as it links back to my issue of solving the issue.

.5: What does your production explore in terms of? - 

- text(s), (With explicit examples – discuss how) 
- themes, (With explicit examples – discuss how) 
- issues (With explicit examples – discuss how) 
- debates (With explicit examples – discuss how) 


-Website : E-media, where from question four, it is obvious that I have conventionally used all the qualities that should be in a typical website which is celebrity based, including images, context, layout etc.


- Logo

- Links

- Navigation bar

- Colours

- Social networking sites box

- constant layout


- Every celebrity-based website are similar, as they have false interpretations of celebrities and audiences, for example celebrity stories are mostly false and have an impact on audiences, or they have models instead of real women, also the health pages are mainly filled with diet pages that supposedly 'celebrities' do. However my website does the opposite by solving the issue, an example is my sponsor, i have chosen to re-create the durex advert as it not only advertises safe sex, but also could be some kind of role model.


- Are the topics raised just a phase that will soon be just in the past: Every website has great ideas, but how long will it last for? That is a question that should be kept in mind

6: Looking at the Mark Scheme – 
What Level does your work fall into and explain exactly why.

Level 3, my production has shown that i can use the technology successfully, as I have used colours, context and layout to an advantage. Looking at my issue and my production, I feel as if I have an understanding on the links that both have. Also, I have done a lot of research and my product shows the level of engagement. To move up to a level four, I have to add more features that will create that unique effect, such as moving images or a moving image.